Tooth Decay Reasons

All the Reasons Why Children Get Tooth Decay

The Reasons


We have refrained from listing fluoride in the above file as being a cause of dental decay.  However, it is vital that the following comment is taken on board. 

Mandating a compulsory medication (prophylactic) for the prevention of dental decay in small children living in disadvantaged homes is highly unjust for the rest of us who do not cause children's dental decay in homes and cars through the production and inhalation of second-hand smoke

It's as if the majority of people who do not smoke are being penalised for not smoking! 

This is where WF practice becomes highly controversial.   Those who do not smoke are made to drink adulterated tap water because some parents are too selfish to refrain from smoking in their children's presence.  However, it's doubtful that they and their  Health Visitors are aware of this issue.  Perhaps someone ought to tell them so that they can tell their "hard to reach" families!  It would have a greater effect than trying to tell the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care who seems to have retired into the deepest recesses of the Department of "Health" and Social Care and who is ring-fenced by his advisors.


The research exists - see the Bibliography in the linked document above.

See also for a historical viewpoint.

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