Past Campaigns

Completed Campaigns

UKFFFA/FFAUK was formed in September 2017 and has become the "Campaigning" National Organisation following the retirement of National Pure Water Association (NPWA) which did a remarkable job for many decades at preventing Water Fluoridation proposals.

Below we have compiled a list of the successes of NPWA .   The four most recent attempts to fluoridate communities have been thwarted by FFAUK (formerly UKFFFA).

FFAUK is determined to stop Water Fluoridation whenever and wherever it is proposed.  We are a constituted group but have decided not to become a membership organisation.  Our model for achieving our main aim is to plan strategy in collaboration with the very many people in England who have voiced an interest in taking part in our campaigns.  So far, this seems to have worked well.

Recent successes: 

Bedford - 2015-16

Central Bedfordshire - 2016 (PHE attempted to persuade the County Council to refluoridate Pulloxhill and District after a gap in fluoridation of 20 years!)

Wakefield - 2016

Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire WF  - 2017

The above proposals were prevented by local activists in collaboration with UKFFFA/FFAUK which helped with strategy together with providing a wealth of information in order to influence Local Authorities not to go ahead with a fluoridation proposal.

FFAUK campaigned against the fluoridation of County Durham, Northumbria, Sunderland and South Tyneside in 2018 up to the start of Covid when attempts to fluoridate the North-East were put on the back burner due to PHE staff becoming active at preventing a spread of the pandemic.

NPWA's successes in collaboration with local groups in the threatened areas :

                                Bolton, 1968                                                   Hull, 1970                           Northern Ireland, 1990s

                                Bradford, Yorkshire, 1992                     Scotland, 2004                 East Riding of Yorkshire, 2005

                               Stockton on Tees, 2006                            Sunderland, 2005           South Tyneside, 2005

                               Durham County, 2005 (part)                 Rotherham, 2007            Greater Manchester, 2008

                                  Isle of Man, 2008 (Proposal thrown out by residents and by the Police Chief for safety reasons) 

Hampshire County Council, 2008-2012 (NPWA and Hampshire Against Fluoridation)

Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire combined decision, 2011

Southampton City Council, 2008-2012 (Hampshire Against Fluoridation and NPWA)

Bolton, 2014

UKCAF - UK Councils Against Fluoridation.  This group was instrumental in preventing Northern Ireland and the North of England from becoming fluoridated.  Their website is  It contains a wealth of information on the illegality of WF.

United Kingdom Against Water Fluoridation blogspot

 The next list details UK Radio and Newspaper polls, one formal Public Consultation and two informal Public Consultations between 1988 and 2014:     

Radio and Newspaper Polls

No page on the UK anti-fluoridation movement would be complete without acknowledging 

the huge part played by the following:

 UK Against Fluoridation Blogspot (

                                        UK Councils Against Fluoridation (       Safe Water Information Service (

                         Declan Waugh (Ireland)             Robert Pocock (Ireland)                Walter Graham (N. Ireland)                 Barry Groves (England) 

Many others not named above will be added to a Role of Honour on this website as soon as the current campaign in the North East is finalised.


Our Movement's strength lies in the knowledge that there has never been a community of Residents in the UK which has voted in favour of Water Fluoridation.  That being the case, Local Authorities who represent residents have no right to start considering adding a developmental neurotoxin and a reportable poison to drinking water.  It would take a "sea change" to persuade people that that which was unacceptable in the past is acceptable now, especially since Public Health England and other pro-fluoridation organisations have been unable to add value to their research base.  In short, their intellectual coffers are empty. 

We also have to consider medical ethics:  in 1947, at the Nuremburg Trials, it was deemed a crime to experiment on people without their consent.  Several such experimenters were sentenced to death.  Has anything changed to make experimentation without consent more acceptable?  That's unlikely.

UK legislation (the 1991 Water Industry Act) permits Water Fluoridation but that doesn't make it right, particularly since there are efficient ways of preventing dental decay which do not require compulsory medicine being given to entire communities.  The Act which legalised WF in the UK 30 years after the first demonstration trial was the Water (Fluoridation) Act 1985 which was enacted with 165 in favour and 62 against legalisation.  However, 399 MPs abstained.

Those abstaining MPs who cowardly did not follow their consciences were responsible for a further 35 years of human rights violations. 

Compulsory medicine! What on earth are UK Governments thinking of? If the Nuremburg judges in 1947 decided that it was unlawful to experiment on humans without their consent, what form of twisted logic gives Local Authorities in the 21st Century the right to experiment on their constituents? The first WF 'demonstration' in Andover in the UK was in 1955 which was just 8 short years after the Nuremberg Trials.  The local politicians and health authorities of the day obviously had very short memories. Or were they not able to join the dots because their blinkers were so thick? 

(Andover escaped WF in 1958 when several new Councillors were elected who had campaigned against fluoridation. A day after being sworn in, Andover Council voted to stop fluoridating the town's water. (Ref: Borrett, D. 2002: Something in the Water: The Anti-Fluoride Campaign in Andover 1955-1958.) 

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